Saturday, May 24, 2014

Lord, use us to bring the wandering children home!

Resurrection Wisdom in a Perishing World – Part 11
Bring the Wanderer Home
(James 5:19-20, Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee, May 25, 2014)

[19] My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth

It is possible for a true child of God to wander from the truth. Consider the three parables in Luke 15 that come to us from the lips of Jesus. The wandering sheep was in the flock before he was lost. The missing coin was in the woman's purse before it was suddenly gone. And the prodigal son was marked as a child of his father before he insisted on his inheritance. When he came to his senses he was not hired as a servant. He was welcomed home as a true son.

and someone brings him back,

In the church, James tells us, our heart needs to be like the heart of the good father in the parable and not like that of the angry brother. We want to do what James' brother Jude tells us in his brief letter, “Have mercy on those who doubt.” Our hope is to see the wanderer return home. We need to take that good goal and make it actionable. What steps are we taking to bring the lost back to their old wisdom—knowing that they, like we, need to call upon the Name of the Lord?

[20] let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death

James encourages us to give this matter some serious consideration. It is a life and death concern. Those who are without Christ are walking toward their death. Are they safe? Are we safe if we don't care about their condition or if we do nothing practical to call them home again?

and will cover a multitude of sins.
Consider the resurrection wisdom that we have heard preached to us from this book authored by James so long ago. We know that the Lord can grant wisdom in trials. We have heard that we need to be doers of the Word. We are ready to see the poor as our brothers and sisters and to walk with them together in faith. Do those who have wandered away still remember important truths like these?

Put the Word to Work: Those who have abandoned the love of the Lord and His church need wisdom from above and grace upon grace. We cannot leave them to a world of foolish boasting. We cannot forget our friends who seem to have forgotten Jesus and His kingdom. May the Lord hear our prayers and use each of us to reengage in ways that He might bless before it is too late.

Grant wisdom, Lord! In trial make us pure!
Help us to do all that Your Word demands.
By mercy found, now we will find the poor.
Our faith will shine in works that You command.

Teach us Your Word from lips of faithful men.
Fill out Your church with wisdom from above.
You are our King! To grace You add more grace.
You are the Lord! You lead Your church in love.

Our ears have heard Your voice. O hear our prayer.
Prayers of the just, O Lord, You won't despise.
Use us to call Your wand'ring children home.
Cover their sins! From death save us through Christ!