Sunday, June 05, 2016

The postmodern creed: "I am, and there is no one besides me."

Christ and the Antichrists
(1 John 2:18, Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee, June 5, 2016)

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.

It is the last hour

What does the Bible mean by the expression “the last hour” or by other phrases that indicate the culmination of history in this broken world. Clearly it must include the end of the first century since John wrote this letter at that time. It also must include the present era since Christ has not yet returned with the fullness of His resurrection kingdom. (See also “last days” in Acts 2:16-17 as a fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32.)

Antichrist is coming

The Scriptures tell us of a singular devil but also of many demons. There will also be a singular antichrist figure, but there have been many antichrists over the centuries. They come and go.

First, what does the Bible tell us about the singular figure of antichrist or in Paul's terminology, “man of lawlessness?” (For context see 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11, then 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, 1 John 2:22, 4:3, and also Revelation on the beast.) These various biblical passages emphasize the lies of the antichrist, particularly about Jesus, and antichrist's lawless disobedience against the Word of God. The antichrist insists on receiving the worship and absolute obedience that is due to the Triune God alone.

Many people throughout history have thought that they knew the identity of the singular, ultimate antichrist figure, but they were wrong. (See Gospel Coalition article with top seven historical candidates.) We should note that the Bible has so much more to say about Christ than about a singular antichrist figure, so we should not get unbalanced in this matter by an undue emphasis on one evil being. Just as an example, almost all of the parables of the New Testament clearly refer to Jesus, but none of them has a clear reference to a singular antichrist figure.

Many antichrists have come

Now, secondly, what about multiple antichrists? Who are they, what do they do, how do they fit into the purpose of the Lord, and should we be concerned by them? (For context see 2 John 1:7 and references in Matthew and Mark to false christs.) These multiple antichrists are rebellious deceivers just like the singular antichrist, but they are very numerous, and they would seek to lead astray those who are in the church.

Who are the antichrists? They are false christs and leaders against the true Christ and his church.

What do the antichrists do? They seek to deceive others, demanding our attention with their false wonders and exaggerated greatness.

How do the antichrists fit into the purposes of the Lord? The Lord has warned us that false christs would come. His kingdom shines in the midst of bad substitutes and spiritual warfare.

Should we be concerned by these antichrists? Yes and no. When we pay too much attention to them we unwittingly fall for their agenda. They want our attention in order to distract us from the true Messiah, His Word, and His people. Resist their lure, and don't be obsessed with them.

Our primary focus is not on one antichrist or on the many antichrists that are a sign of the New Testament era, but on the One and Only Son of God, the Christ, who will win every battle. He leads the way for us to the land of light.

Side note 1: A King who wins through a cross can never be defeated. He is the Lord over all. We need to be those who are drawn to the weak and the suffering and not to the powerful. Antichrists are not on our “lists” because they are not on our hearts. Regular people that others would dismiss as insignificant are on our hearts, and we want to be connected to them in our lives. We believe that this is the way that the kingdom of Christ comes.

Side note 2: This kingdom-building project of Christ is the answer to the puzzling question of why “the last hour” has lasted so much longer than an hour. Remember that a 1000 years is not the same to the the Lord as it is to us. What feels like a delay to us is not a cosmic mistake. The Lord is building up His temple out of billions of people, some of whom are being born as we speak. The gospel needed to be preached to every people group on the earth, and all of the elect needed to hear it. All that would take time, at least 2000 years, but perhaps much longer. Only the Lord knows. (2 Peter 3)

Back to 1 John 2:18: “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.”

As those who, with the first apostles and the entire New Testament church, live in “the last hour,” let us make two obvious applications:

1. Do not follow antichrists.

Jesus was well aware of Herod and Pilate, two excellent candidates for antichrist during his earthly ministry. He did not allow them to have any particular pull on him. He was clear about who He was, and as in His interaction with the devil, He did not yield to them for a moment. He went about His own ministry and calling, and treated them like the people they were: fallen, dangerous, sinful men under the authority of the Almighty and in need of a perfect Savior.

The very best way to avoid that temptation to fall under the sway of an antichrist is to be fully impressed with the real Jesus. The great ones of our day cannot hear your prayers. They cannot bring you from death to eternal life. The Lord's true Christ can and will. He says, “Follow Me.”

2. Do not be antichrists.

We live in an day that has embraced some pretty bad, old ideas, packaging them as new and improved. In Isaiah 47:8-10 we hear twice from the lips of Babylonian women what has become a very contemporary creed: “I am, and there is no one besides me.” You don't have to be rich and famous to decide that you are the center of the universe. When you come to the conclusion that reason, science, the Bible, and Jesus all need to bow before you so that you can be who you are, something has gone wildly wrong. Jesus is Lord. Believe in Him. Worship and obey Him.

Old Testament Reading—Proverbs 4:10-19 – The path of the righteous and the way of the wicked

Gospel Reading—Luke 7:1-10 – Faith in the Lord over all