Thursday, January 24, 2013

Where He Is Now

January 27, 2013 Evening:
Title: Who is this glorious Man at the right hand of the Majesty on high?
Old Testament Passage: Joshua 5:13-15 – The Commander of the Lord's Army
Gospel Reading: John 19:28-30 - “It is finished.”
Sermon Text: Hebrews 1:3d “After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,”
Sermon Point: Consider where Jesus is right now and pay attention to His Voice.

After making purification for sins,
Jesus has made purification for sins. The priests of the Old Covenant had to perform cleansing rituals and make sacrifices even for their own sins before they could do so for others. But Jesus had no sin. He made purification for the sins of His chosen people.

This work took time. According to the plan of God, there was a lengthy preparation for His work on earth recorded for us in the Old Testament. At the fullness of time Christ was born. At just the right time He came to be baptized by John, was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, and then preached and taught the kingdom of God for three years.

There were those around Him who were urging Him to make Himself known and to accomplish His mission on a schedule other than that of the Father. But He heard His Father's voice and followed Him. At the season of Passover He gave His life as the perfect sin offering. Among His dying words were these, “It is finished.”

After three days He rose from the dead, having accomplished what was necessary to secure our peace as our peace offering. It was at this great moment on the third day in connection with the Old Testament feast of firstfruits that a new heavenly era began on the earth. Then at just the right time He ascended into heaven.

he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
Even now He performs the work of our Prophet, Priest, and King. He does so at the place of majestic power and glory, at the right hand of the Majesty on high. From that place, on the day of Pentecost, Jesus poured forth His Holy Resurrection Spirit from heaven, that we might know the truth that sets us free.

He is our glorious Lord. He has taken His seat at the center of all holiness, power, and love which is far above all lesser realms. There is no higher place than where Jesus has been rightly seated.

Therefore we must hear His Word, and hear it rightly as the final Word of God to us.

His Word is a Covenant Word that marks the change from an administration of preparation to an administration of fulfillment. The old ways of purification for sins in Israel are gone. Jesus is the new way to be free from every stain of sin for the Israel of God among all the families of the earth.

His Word is a Kingdom Word that calls us to new life in a world that will never end. There is no Christianity without resurrection hope. That hope is alive already on the earth by the Gift sent forth from the Father and the Son. In that great Gift the church experiences Jesus and the glorious kingdom today, both here on earth, and more perfectly in heaven. Pay attention to His Voice and experience His power.