Saturday, February 16, 2013

The True Son of the Father

February 17, 2013 Evening:
Title: Disciplined
Old Testament Passage: 2 Samuel 7:12-16 – Covenant with David
Gospel Reading: Matthew 12:42 – Greater than Solomon
Sermon Text: Hebrews 1:5b – He shall be to me a son...
Sermon Point: Jesus, the Son of God, took our discipline

Or again,
“I will be to him a father,
and he shall be to me a son”?
Jesus is the Son of God. But do we really understand what that means? It should help us when the Bible uses Old Testament passages to prepare us for the Messiah.

In the case of 2 Samuel 7, we know definitively that this passage finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ because the author of Hebrews tells us so.

2 Samuel 7 was a very important chapter of the Old Testament which prepared Israel for the coming of an eternal king. God spoke to David about what would take place after that great man's death. The Lord would raise up one of his offspring and would establish his kingdom.

We are clearly told at the beginning of 1 Kings that Solomon became king before David had died. Solomon could not have been the final king that God promised.

Solomon did prepare us for the ultimate King of Glory. Not only did he have great wisdom, riches, and honor, he also devoted himself to the building of the Lord's temple. He built a house for God's Name. But we are a more glorious living house for God.

Long after Solomon's body rested in the grave, Jesus, the Son of David according to God's eternal purpose, came teaching and preaching the kingdom of God. His body was pierced by men, but He raised it up again as the resurrection temple of the Holy Spirit.

After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Majesty on high, where we are now seated with Him in heavenly places. The Father has given Him all power and authority, establishing His kingdom forever.

David was buried in a tomb. Solomon also faced death. Jesus died for our sake, but then rose to glorious life. His tomb is empty. The Father has established the throne of His kingdom forever.

There is a true father/son relationship between Yahweh and Jesus. Solomon committed iniquity and faced discipline. But there was a penalty that was due to Solomon and to all the sons of God that not one of us could bear. Jesus, the sinless Son of God, has taken the fullness of the Father's discipline for us. This was the final measure of His devotion to the Father's great purpose to save. He gave His life for us. He did what angels could never have accomplished.

Now God's steadfast love will never depart from us. His house and His kingdom are sure. We must hear His Word as the One who is the true Son of the Father, far above angels.